Thursday, November 12, 2009

who needs sleep right?

I am officially the busiest person alive. I am doing pretty well in my graduate school program. I only have class two days a week and some outside counseling session/meetings. All in all I am on my way to being a full on, mental health counselor within two years.

At the same time my photography business has started to take off! my website is mostly done, I am gaining fans, and tons of emails requesting prints and photo shoots for the upcoming winter break! I am very excited about all this.

I found out today I might start working for the residence life department here at SOU once again. Nothing is set in stone, but I think there is a position available for me. Like i said who needs sleep right? Anyways I ave my first wedding photo shoot coming up in December! the best part is that it's in Florida! with old camp friends! I will have the best winter break ever. hands down.


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