Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day One: Boone, North Carolina-Charlotte, North Carolina

August 23, 2009
Boone, North Carolina-Charlotte, North Carolina
Miles: 115.3 miles

Hung Out with Anna for one last day. Just laid around, ate a lot of food and packed my bag and my car. I realized that In the whole summer, I have only driven my car by myself only once or twice in three months. That’s good because my favorite thing in the world is a full car. My car has 8 seatbelts and since this summer, we got 15 people in it. It. Was. Awesome. The people at Gables had no idea what was coming when we crawled out like a clown car in the circus.

I left for Charlotte around 6 and was terrified that I would be lost. Fortunately for me Anna was so sweet and wrote me up step by step directions on how to get to my couch surfer’s house in Charlotte. The drive was fantastic because the clouds were orange and pink. Stayed with Nice lady named Kristi who was an elementary school teacher. We watched True Blood and went to be early because the next morning I will be picking up NATE AT THE AIRPORT!!!!
Love Luke

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