Boone, North Carolina
This morning we went to Anna’s mom’s charity event for a new homeless shelter, it was a fancy brunch that included Boone’s most well groomed and wealthy citizens … and us. Anna assured Luke and I that our shorts and shirts were fine, though it was evident that we were chronically under-dressed. Luke attempted to button up his shirt but being a checked hillbilly number his success at fitting in Boone style was slightly limited. However it must be noted that Luke and I may not have fitted in aesthetically but my accent, not consisting of ‘y’all’ or even a remote American twang made me stand out like a sore thumb. Highlights of the event included Eric whispering to me ‘Now the fun really begins’ after the fifth southern speaker said the same thing to their captive audience. The giggles were inappropriately passed around the table doing nothing for our attempts to be inconspicuous. Definitely a unique morning, on a serious note though it did make us all think about the social issue at hand.
‘Downtown Boone’ was about the size of a postage stamp but was chock-a-block full of hippie stores. We especially enjoyed a certain furniture store that looked like we had stepped onto the set of ‘That 70’s show’. It was awesome…dude. We also went to the most amazing old fashioned candy store I have ever ever seen, bought a lot of candy but hey there were barrels full of it! Oh and the other uber exciting part of the day was discovering that Anna had Girl Talk. Way better than dinosaurs. Darea x
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